Campus Safety
FVCC works diligently to provide safe learning environments for all students on both the Kalispell and Libby campuses. We strive to go beyond satisfying all the requirements outlined in the Montana Safety Culture Act enacted in 1993.
Call 911 if you believe a person poses an immediate danger to self/others, or there is an imminent threat.

Safety Measures on Campus
FVCC uses Omnilert, a unified emergency notification system, to alert individuals in the event of an emergency. The system delivers emergency messages through SMS messaging to mobile phones, e-mails, and voice messages to personal phones. Examples of emergency notifications may include active shooter, earthquakes and evacuations.
All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled into FVCC’s Emergency Alert System through their campus email address. Mobile phone numbers are automatically enrolled for students that have provided their phone number to FVCC. Adding additional notification phone numbers or emails or to manage your emergency alert subscriptions and account, visit FVCC’s Omnilert subscriber page.
Note: Your cell service provider may charge fees associated with certain types of communications, such as text messages. Flathead Valley Community College is not responsible for charges incurred by your telecommunications and/or email service providers.
Also Note: If you are not currently registered for an active credit course, your e2Campus account will be removed. This service is limited to the FVCC campus community.
If it becomes necessary to evacuate your building for any reason, an announcement will be made to that effect via the campus emergency notification system. Evacuation maps are posted throughout campus.
- If it is not safe outside, do not leave your building until you are instructed via the emergency notification system or from your building coordinator.
- Before entering stairwells or hallways, especially during a fire, check the door to see if it is hot or whether there is smoke. If either condition exists, use an alternate route.
- If you are away from your office, follow the instructions given by the building coordinator, report to the designated area and check-in with the building coordinator in that area.
- Do not re-enter the building until an “all clear” has been called.
- You should stay at least 300 feet (length of a football field) away from affected buildings.
Kalispell Campus rally point for evacuation:
- Arboretum—the tree area behind Blake Hall
- Parking Lot P—the parking lot between the Learning Resource Center and Hwy. 93
Libby Campus rally point for evacuation:
- Grass Lot—the grass lot along the northwest corner of the LCC parking lot.
Blake Hall: Suzanne Decamp, Amber Emmart
Arts & Technology Building: Diane Stout, Jodi Smith
Broussard Center: Cathy Fabel, Lori Elwell
Broussard Family Library and Learning Commons: Morgan Ray
Business and Social Sciences Building: Brandon Bridge
Former ECC: Calvin Pippin
Founders Hall: Kelly Murphy, Misty Koyuncu
Learning Resource Center: Melissa Sommer
Lincoln County Campus: Megan Rayome, Jon “Butch” Kingston
Maintenance & Storage: Dan Fisher, Rick Haegele
Occupational Trades Building: Blake Thompson, Gabriel Dillon
Ross Hall: Amelia Ward, Kelly Leaser
Wachholz College Center: Matt Laughlin, Dwight Camillucci
Emergency Procedures
In the event of a facility emergency, call the Manager of Maintenance and Grounds at 406-212-3066. A facility emergency includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Mechanical failure of objects required for a safe working environment (such as elevators, heating/cooling systems, etc.)
- Water problems of any kind
- Strange odors throughout the building
- Any broken windows or glass
- Stuck or inoperative doors
- Power outages
- Phone outages
If you receive a suspicious letter or package, do not panic. Call 911 immediately.
Next, call the Campus Resource Officer at (406) 407-1558 (weekdays) or the Campus Incident Line (406) 270-4555 (evenings and weekends.) Emergency personnel will respond and secure the area to maximize any exposure in the event a substance on the letter or in the package is hazardous.
Signs of a suspicious letter or package include:
- No return address or restrictive markings such as “personal”
- Excessive tape
- Misspelled words or poorly typed/handwritten
- Unknown powder or substance, including oily stains, discoloration or crystallization
- Excessive postage
- Strange odor
- Protruding wires
In the event of a suspicious letter or package:
- Do not open it.
- Do not move it.
- Isolate it if possible by keeping others away.
- Do not clean, smell or taste any substances on the letter or in the package.
Security Emergencies
Call 911 immediately for any of the following occurrences:
- Any physical danger to you or other employees or students.
- Any threats made to you or to other employees or students.
When it is safe for you to do so, call:
- On weekdays: (406) 407-1558 for the Campus Resource Officer
- Evenings and weekends: (406) 270-4555 for the Campus Incident Line
Use the numbers above to report theft of personal or college property. If there is someone in your area who appears to not belong (for example: looks lost, looks out of place, etc.) and you are comfortable doing so, ask if you can help the person. If the person does not have a legitimate purpose for being there, call numbers above.
If you observe an active shooter or armed intruder, when it is safe to do so, call 911.
There are three options during an active shooter incident:
- Run (get out)
- Lock (lockdown)
- Fight (prepare to defend/take out the intruder)
Run (Get Out)
- Leave the area if it is safe to do so, moving away from the shooter’s location.
- Have an escape route and plan in mind.
- Leave your belongings behind.
- Help others escape, if possible.
- Prevent people from entering an area where an active shooter may be.
- Call 911 as soon as it is safe to do so.
Lock (Lockdown)
- If escape is not possible due to the location of the intruder or other complications, barricade yourself in the nearest safe location. Keep out of the shooters view. Continue looking for accessible escape paths.
Lock the door and cover the window. Block entry to the space by placing obstacles including large objects and furniture in front of the doorway. - Turn off lights and monitors, and silence cell phones. Stay calm, quiet and out of sight.
- If the situation actively evolves and you can safely access an escape path, do so.
- Unless you are in imminent danger from fire, ignore any fire alarms sounding, but stay aware of your surroundings. Intruders may pull alarms to get people to come out of classrooms or buildings to become targets.
- If you are in a safe location and not currently in harm’s way, stay in that area until directed to leave by responding law enforcement.
- During contact with law enforcement, keep your hands visible and follow directions exactly. Carry nothing that could be mistaken for a weapon.
Fight (Prepare to Defend /Take Out)
- As an absolute last resort, and only when in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the shooter.
- Throw items and improvise weapons from available objects.
- Hit, kick, or tackle the shooter if close enough.
- Act with physical aggression.
- Commit to your actions.
What to expect from emergency responders:
- The first responding law enforcement officer(s) will not stop to aid the wounded or injured. Their primary mission is to contain the threat.
- Medical and rescue teams will begin treatment of the injured only after the area is declared safe by law enforcement personnel.
- Law enforcement may relocate building occupants to a safe area, or may instruct occupants to remain where they are.
- Once you have been evacuated, you will not be allowed to re-enter the building.
Bomb threats are serious until proven otherwise. Act quickly, but remain calm and obtain information.
If a bomb threat is received by phone:
- Remain calm. Keep the caller on the line for as long as possible. DO NOT HANG UP, even if the caller does.
- Listen carefully. Be polite and show interest.
- Try to keep the caller talking to learn more information.
- If possible, write a note to a colleague to call 911 or, as soon as the caller hangs up, immediately notify them yourself.
- If your phone has a display, copy the number and/or letters on the window display.
- Complete the Bomb Threat Checklist immediately. Write down as much detail as you can remember. Try to get exact words.
- Immediately upon termination of call, DO NOT HANG UP, but from a different phone, call 911 immediately with information and await instructions.
- Next, call the Campus Resource Officer at (406) 407-1558 (weekdays) or the Campus Incident Line at (406) 270-4555 (evenings and weekends.)
If a bomb threat is received by handwritten note:
- Call 911 and then call the Campus Resource Officer at (406) 407-1558 (weekdays) or the Campus Incident Line at (406) 270-4555 (evenings and weekends.)
- Handle the note as minimally as possible.
If a bomb threat is received by email:
- Call 911 and then call the Campus Resource Officer at (406) 407-1558 (weekdays) or the Campus Incident Line at (406) 270-4555 (evenings and weekends.)
- Do not delete the message.
- Use two-way radios or cell phones. Radio signals have the potential to detonate a bomb.
Touch or move a suspicious package. - If necessary, employees and students will be directed to evacuate the building via the emergency notification system or the building coordinator. If evacuated from the building, do not return until told to do so by your building coordinator.
Medical & Behavioral Emergencies
Untrained persons should not evacuate individuals who use a wheelchair due to risk of injury unless the situation is life-threatening.
- Always ASK someone with a disability how he or she can best be assisted and if there are items that need to accompany the person.
- Offer your arm to guide a visually impaired person and verbally provide details about where you are going and any obstacles in the route.
- Obtain the attention of a person who is deaf or hard of hearing by turning the lights on and off, waving your arms, or touching the person. Offer either written instructions of the safest route or point to exits or evacuation maps.
- Individuals who use a wheelchair may evacuate themselves from the ground floor with minimal assistance. Most wheelchairs are too heavy to carry downstairs.
- If an elevator is not accessible to evacuate an individual with a wheelchair, move him or her to a safer area, such as an enclosed stairwell away from the hazard and/or falling debris and notify emergency personnel immediately about a person remaining in the building and his/her location.
When death or serious bodily injury is imminent, it may be necessary to use a two-person cradle carry. To use this technique:
- Carry partners stand on opposite sides of the individual.
- Wrap an individual’s closest arm around one carry partner’s shoulder.
- Grasp carry partner’s forearm behind the individual in the small of the back.
- Reach under the individual’s knees to grasp the wrist of carry partner’s other hand.
- Both carry partners should then lean in close to the individual and lift on the count of three.
- Continue pressing into the individual being carried for additional support in the carry.
FVCC Behavioral Intervention and Care Team’s (BIT) mission is to promote a safe and productive learning, living and working environment by addressing the needs of students through coordination and assessment of information and developing a supportive pl
FVCC BIT meets weekly to review reports about student behavior and determines the best course of action to support students involved and intervene before behavior escalates.
If you sense something that does not seem right, submit a BIT Referral or contact the FVCC BIT at or call 406.756.3812.
FVCC BIT Members
Kelly Murphy – Dean of Students BIT Chair
Peter Fusaro – Director, Trades & Industrial Arts
Karen Glasser – Executive Director, Human Resources
Cory Clarke – Campus Resource Officer
Scott Brantner – Residence Life Coordinator
Seth Brookshire – Academic Coordinator, LCC
Mandee Johnson – Mental Health Counselor
Janet Blackaby – Disability Services Coordinator
Crystal Morris – Director, Financial Aid
Call 911 immediately to report the location and extent of injuries.
Next, call the Campus Resource Officer at (406) 407-1558 (weekdays) or the Campus Incident Line at (406) 270-4555 (evenings and weekends.)
- To avoid exposure to blood and fluids, use disposable gloves, if possible.
- If severe bleeding exists, keep the victim sitting or lying down and use direct pressure or tourniquet to control bleeding until help arrives.
- Cover the victim with a blanket or coat to reduce shock.
- For injuries involving the head and neck, keep the victim from standing or moving around.
Call 911 to report the symptom(s) and location of the individual suffering from the apparent seizure, fainting spell, heart attack, or other medical condition.
For a seizure:
- Keep other people out of the way.
- Move hard or sharp objects away.
- Don’t try to stop the person’s movements or hold the person down.
- Place the person on his/her side to help keep his/her airway clear.
- Keep track of the time to determine the length of the seizure.
For fainting:
- Make the person safe.
- Turn the person on his/her side, if he/she is vomiting or bleeding from the mouth.
- Elevate legs, if possible.
- Try to revive the person.
- Shake the person vigorously, tap briskly or yell.
- If the person doesn’t respond
- Perform chest compressions hard and fast in the center of the chest at 100 to 120 compressions per minute until help arrives.
- If an AED is immediately available, follow the device instructions.
For a heart attack:
- Offer the person an aspirin to chew and swallow (unless the person is allergic to aspirin or told not to take an aspirin by a doctor.)
- Begin CPR if the person is unconscious.
- If you haven’t received CPR training, perform chest compressions hard and fast in the center of the chest at 100 to 120 compressions per
minute until help arrives. - If an AED is immediately available, follow the device instructions.
- If you haven’t received CPR training, perform chest compressions hard and fast in the center of the chest at 100 to 120 compressions per
Next, call the Campus Resource Officer at (406) 407-1558 (weekdays) or the Campus Incident Line at (406) 270-4555 (evenings and weekends.)
Essential Steps When Encountering Suspected Opioid Overdose
STEP 1: Evaluate for signs of opioid overdose
Signs of OVERDOSE, which often results in death if not treated, include:
• Unconsciousness or inability to awaken.
• Slow or shallow breathing or breathing difficulty such as choking sounds or a gurgling/snoring noise from a person who cannot be awakened.
• Pinpoint pupils.
• Fingernails or lips turning blue/purple.
If an opioid overdose is suspected, stimulate the person:
• Call the person’s name. If this doesn’t work, vigorously grind knuckles into the sternum (the breastbone in middle of chest)
• If the person responds, assess whether he or she can maintain responsiveness and breathing.
• If the person remains unresponsive, call 911, if trained, provide rescue breaths or CPR, and administer one dose of Naloxone (if trained/ available).
STEP 2: Call 911 for help
someone with medical expertise to see the person as soon as possible. If no emergency medical services (EMS) or other trained personnel is on the scene, activate the 911 emergency system immediately. All you have to say is “Someone is unresponsive and not breathing.” After calling 911, follow the dispatcher’s instructions. If appropriate, the 911 operator will instruct you to begin CPR (technique based on rescuer’s level of training).
STEP 3: Support the person’s breathing
• Be sure the person’s airway is clear (check that nothing inside the person’s mouth or throat is blocking the airway).
• If the victim is not breathing at all, and you are not trained in rescue breathing or are unable to do so, start compression-only or Hands-Only CPR.
• If someone else is performing the above interventions, Naloxone may be given simultaneously.
Chest compressions for adults involve the following steps:
• Place the person on his or her back.
• Press hard and fast on the center of the chest.
• Keep your arms extended.
STEP 4: Monitor the person’s response
• After administering Naloxone (if trained/ available), continue CPR until the person begins to wake up, breathe on their own, or medics arrive
• If the person begins to wake up, roll them into the recovery position to help protect
their airway.
• A person who has received Naloxone, may experience signs of acute withdrawal such as aggression, sweating, and vomiting.
If you or someone you know is having an acute mental health crisis, call 911, or call the Campus Resource Officer at 406-407-1558.
In a non-emergency setting, you may also file a CARE (BIT) report by emailing or calling 406-756-3812.
How to Support Someone in Crisis
- Assess your surroundings for safety and immediate risk
- Remain calm
- Listen non-judgementally.
- Don’t take the behaviors personally.
- Address any mention of suicide.
- Be direct, “Are you thinking about suicide?”
- Ask questions to better understand.
- Don’t argue or contradict.
- Validate individual’s feelings.
- Remain with the individual until help arrives.
In-Person Mental Health Counseling
Counseling at FVCC is free to students enrolled in credit courses. Counseling is confidential and NOT part of a student’s academic record. To schedule an appointment or for additional information, please email
Counseling offices are in the Learning Resource Center Building.
Crisis Resources
Crisis Text Line- Text “Help” to 741-741
Flathead County Mental Health Crisis Line (406) 752-6262
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Domestic and Sexual Violence Helpline (406) 752-7273
LGBTQ+ Crisis Support The Trevor Project 1-866-488-7386
Montana Crisis Recovery Hotline (M-F, 10am to 10pm) 1-877-503-0833
Veteran Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255
Weather Emergencies
College closures due to severe weather emergencies will be announced via the emergency notification system.
If you need to leave campus due to extreme weather conditions (e.g. blizzard, sudden flooding), follow these guidelines:
- Listen to weather updates and warnings from the National Weather Service through appropriate media outlets.
- Be aware of streams, drainage channels, canyons and other areas known to flood suddenly.
- Drive slowly and be aware of other drivers; allow extra space between you and the vehicle ahead of you.
- Be prepared to shelter-in-place (in your office or car), if necessary.
In the event of a tornado, the National Weather Service will issue a tornado warning.
- Move to a small interior room or hallway and get under a sturdy piece of furniture. Put as many walls as possible between you and the outside.
- Stay away from windows and do not open them.
- Do not use elevators.
- Do not evacuate, unless instructed to do so. If instructed to do so, follow evacuation procedures.
If you discover a fire, call 911 and pull a nearby fire alarm.
When it is safe to do so, have someone call the Campus Resource Officer at (406) 407-1558 (weekdays) or the Campus Incident Line at (406) 270-4555 (evening and weekends.)
If the fire is smaller than a trash can, and it is safe for you to do so, you may attempt to extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher.
If the fire is larger than a trash can, evacuate the building. Evacuation maps are posted throughout campus.
- If you are away from your office, do not attempt to return for any items.
- If your clothes catch on fire, you should STOP, DROP and ROLL until the fire is extinguished.
- Check closed doors for heat before you open them by using the back of your hand.
- If the door is cool, open it slowly to ensure fire and/or smoke is not blocking your escape route. If it is clear, leave immediately and close the door behind you. Be prepared to crawl as smoke and heat rises.
- If a door is hot, do not open it. Escape through a window, if possible.
If an earthquake occurs, drop, cover, and hold on.
DROP where you are, onto your hands and knees (to avoid being knocked down.)
COVER your head and neck with one arm and hand.
- If a sturdy table or desk is nearby, crawl underneath it for shelter.
- If no shelter is nearby, crawl next to an interior wall (away from windows.)
- Stay on your knees; bend over to protect vital organs.
HOLD ON until shaking stops.
- Under shelter: hold on to it with one hand; be ready to move with your shelter if it shifts.
- No shelter: hold on to your head and neck with both arms and hands.
- Do not leave the building until the shaking has stopped and it is safe to leave.
- Do not use elevators.
- After the shaking stops, follow the evacuation procedure set forth for your building.
- Do not re-enter the building until you are cleared to do so by the building coordinator.