Students receiving the award in stadium standing in line on field
Dec 13, 2024
Flathead Beacon

FVCC Logger Sports Athlete Wins Service Award

Abraham Chentnik, a freshman at FVCC studying to receive an electronics technician certificate, received the honor from the Montana Campus Network for Civic Engagement for the regular hours he spends each week volunteering.

Abraham Chentnik (center), a freshman at Flathead Valley Community College, was awarded a Montana Athletes in Service Award from Montana Campus Network for Civic Engagement at this year’s Brawl of the Wild game in Bozeman.
A member of Flathead Valley Community College’s logger sports team was awarded the Montana Athletes in Service Award late last month at the Cat-Griz football game in Bozeman.

Abraham Chentnik, a freshman at FVCC studying to receive an electronics technician certificate, received the honor from the Montana Campus Network for Civic Engagement for the regular hours he spends each week volunteering for organizations like the Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation, the Paladin Conservancy, 4-H, and the Northwest Montana Backcountry Horsemen.

Chentnik’s volunteer work includes clearing trees and horse-packing supplies in and out of the wilderness, trail maintenance, land cleanup, bear box installation and teaching classes, including on trail packing. “I volunteer because it allows me to make a meaningful impact in my community,” Chentnik said in a statement included in a press release from FVCC announcing the award. “Working on projects like trail maintenance and habitat restoration not only helps our ecosystem, but also forms a community among individuals who share a passion through the outdoors. I value the volunteer work we do so that many people can enjoy the wilderness.”

Ann Beall, the coach for FVCC’s logger sports team who nominated Chentnik for the award, credited him with inspiring others, leading by example and showing maturity beyond his years.

Abraham Chentnik, a freshman at Flathead Valley Community College, poses with Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte as he’s awarded a Montana Athletes in Service Award from Montana Campus Connect at this year’s Cat-Griz game in Bozeman. Chentnik competes on FVCC’s logger sports team. Photo courtesy FVCC.
“He is a perfect role model—whether that be pushing himself in practice to get better or helping others with their technique. His teammates notice his approach and strive to match his attitude,” Beall said in a statement.

The Montana Campus Network for Civic Engagement is a group of colleges and universities in Montana, and their representatives, that seek to build a culture of civic engagement and public service in the state’s higher education system.

Alongside Chentnik, this year’s award winners included Montana Tech volleyball and track and field athlete Abby Clark, Caroll College football player Hunter Peck, Salish Kootenai College basketball player Tamika Guardipee, Miles Community College baseball player Walker Bennett, Dawson Community College volleyball player Jaiden Dulin, University of Montana track and field athlete Jay Beagle, Montana Western volleyball player Kaylee Fritz, MSU-Northern volleyball player Emily Feller, MSU Billings baseball player Zack Blaszak, Montana State track and field athlete Gracey Carter, and Fort Peck Community College baseball player and track and field athlete Geordy Medicine Cloud.

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