Instructional Design & Technology
Instructional Design and Technology is available as a resource to assist with online education preparation and function, professional development of FVCC faculty who utilize Eagle Online, and online accessibility compliance. The department administers Eagle Online and is involved on some level of administration with some external tools.
Instructional Design and Technology is also available to answer any questions about Eagle Online or online education at FVCC. EDU291Y Teaching Online Courses and EDU291X Developing Online Courses are conducted by Instructional Design and Technology.
E-Learning Faculty Fellows (ELFF’s)
The E-Learning Faculty Fellows are part of the E-Learning Committee. They provide divisional/departmental peer support regarding online education and processes. The ELFF’s act as liaisons between the division/department and E-Learning, provide instructor support for online teaching, and assist in coordination of online and hybrid offerings within the Division/Department.
Online and Hybrid Instructor Handbook
This handbook outlines all considerations for teaching online or hybrid at FVCC and/or using Eagle Online to augment a face-to-face class. It contains definitions, processes, and expectations with respect to online/hybrid teaching, class development, and digital delivery or sharing of educational materials, information, and instruction.
Eagle Online Information
Eagle Online is FVCC’s online learning environment. FVCC uses Desire2Learn Brightspace as its learning management system (LMS). An LMS allows instructors to manage their course content, discussions, testing, grades, and more in a secure environment by requiring a login process
Classes that use Eagle Online
Eagle Online can be a useful tool regardless of how your course meets. Many faculty who teach face-to-face use Eagle Online to benefit their courses. They use it to share content and materials, allow for discussion outside of class, electronically grade and provide feedback to students, and keep students up-to-date on their course grades.
Hybrid and fully online courses use Eagle Online more extensively for features such as testing and assessment, synchronous discussion, and for group and collaborative work.
How to Use Eagle Online
If you would like to use Eagle Online to enhance your face-to-face course, contact Instructional Design and Technology
To teach a fully online or hybrid course at FVCC you must first complete the professional development courses.
To convert a class from face-to-face to an online or hybrid offering, consult with your division ELFF and obtain approval for development/conversion prior to beginning the development/conversion process through Currilog. After the course is developed, it goes through a peer review process.
Teaching Online Classes EDU 291y
This class is Part 1 of 2 classes in the Teaching Online program for teaching online or hybrid courses at FVCC.
Designed for faculty, this course introduces the FVCC Eagle Online learning management system (LMS). Course participants will learn how to navigate the LMS and use the tools and functions available to conduct an online course. Emphasis is placed on building community among online students, effective communication in the online environment, managing an online course, incorporating interactivity, assessment and evaluation of online students, the roles and responsibilities of an online instructor, best practices, copyright, and accessibility.
Developing Online Classes EDU 291x
This class is Part 2 of two classes in the Teaching Online Program for teaching online or hybrid courses at FVCC.
The focus of this class is on course design and its application to teaching online. Participants will apply the features of the LMS as well as best practices, instructional design, and quality standards. A course map will be developed, either for an existing class or one in development, to create alignment in the curriculum and objectives. The mapped course will be built or edited in the LMS.
Student Orientation
The Eagle Online Student Orientation was developed as a sample class and instructional module for students to familiarize themselves with navigation and use of Eagle Online. It contains instructional videos and practical exercises in the basic functions of the system. The orientation may also be used as required material for students. There is no content test within it so any assessment will have to be added to your class.
External Tools
External tools are any online applications outside of Eagle Online that an instructor would use in the course of teaching. Please contact Instructional Design and Technology anytime you are considering use of an external tool to explore available integrations.
Instructor Resource Center
All faculty have access to the Instructor Resource Center. This is an Eagle Online “class” set up as a repository of information about the system. It includes instructional content as well as useful information regarding teaching online and associated functions, tools, and materials.
To access it, login to Eagle Online and choose the Instructor Resource Center from your course selector. If your list is long and it does not show, use the course search function.