Coffee & Cookies in the Library

Broussard Library

Join the library and coffee crew for a Friday celebration of the first week of classes. Coffee and cookies will be available!

TRIO Tuesday Ice Cream Social

Blake Hall Flagpoles

Treat yourself to ice cream, meet new people, and learn about how TRIO can provide support services to make your journey through college a success.

New Student Orientation

Arts & Technology Building, Room 139

Attend early from 3-4pm for a brief tour to locate your classes and helpful resources. At the main session from 4-5pm, learn in depth-information about helpful resources by connecting with […]

Party on the Lawn

Arts & Technology Building Lawn

Enjoy a FREE BBQ dinner on the Arts & Technology Building lawn and meet your fellow classmates! Fun yard games and activities will be provided.  Resources tables will also be […]

Outdoor Movie

Founders Hall Courtyard

Join us for a movie in the Founders Hall courtyard and enjoy free popcorn!