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Bibler Splendid Summer Evenings 2022
July 22, 2022 @ 4:30 pm
Bibler Home and Gardens
Celebrate spring and summer surrounded by thousands of beautiful flowers at Bibler Home & Gardens to benefit FVCC student scholarships.
Bibler Home and Gardens, in Kalispell Montana, is a privately-owned residence and ornamental landscape designed by Louis A. “Sam” Bibler. Sam landscaped, planted and maintained the gardens at his home from around 1980 until his death in 2002. The extensive gardens, including ponds, waterfalls, sculptures and arboretum, are maintained today according to Sam’s desire to preserve the site as a place of lasting beauty that could be enjoyed by the Kalispell community and visitors to the area. More information is available at www.biblergardens.org.
Bibler Home and Gardens
Address available upon ticket purchase
Kalispell, MT 59901